Sunday, April 23, 2006

Yep, the British are still snobs... :-)

Happy and glorious: Windsor's tribute to its favourite resident - Britain - Times Online: "By the time she emerged from the castle’s great oak doors at noon, an estimated 22,000 loyal subjects — and a fair number from lesser nations, such as the United States — packed the centre of Windsor to bursting to cheer the Queen on her extended birthday walkabout."

In the news: Yep, weeza gettin stupider...

A new pay-per-view program will exploit John Lennon's memory and the "EVP" phenomenon brought into mainstream attention by a recent movie, by claiming to channel Lennon's spirit through EVP.

EVP is based on a belief that spirit voices communicate through radio and TV broadcast signals.

"On the television show, filming at La Fortuna suddenly stops and a narrator says something odd has happened. They then claim that a mysterious voice can be heard on the voice feed of one of the psychics.

The producers then call in "EVP specialist" Sandra Belanger to examine the voice and she proclaims it the real deal.

"The Spirit of John Lennon" is being done without the knowledge or consent of Lennon's estate or his widow Yoko Ono, who declined comment. Her longtime friend and spokesman Elliot Mintz has called the entire exercise "tacky, exploitative and far removed" from the icon's way of life.

"A pay-per-view seance was never his style," said Mintz.

The Article

Friday, April 07, 2006

Kids say the darndest things!

"You should never swim with lightening because it will storm you up and turn you into a popsicle."

- C (age 4) 4/7/2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama gives an interview.

"On our first visit, I was faced with a large plate of biscuits. President Bush immediately offered me his favourites, and after that, we got on fine. On my next visit, he didn't mind when I was blunt about the war.

"By my third visit, I was ushering him into the Oval Office. I was astonished by his grasp of Buddhism."

In the news: Cell-phone brain tumors again.

In a recent article, Swedish researches have contradicted the conclusions of other recent research programs by finding a link between cellphone use and brain tumors.

Studying 905 people who have had a malignant brain tumor, 85 were high users of mobile phones. They also concluded that the risk was higher on the side of the head the phone was used upon.

They suggest using handsfree as a way to get the risk down. But won't that just move the cancer? Based on where I put my phone when I'm in hands-free mode, I'm not so sure I like that idea!
